Udon Noodles in Meat Sauce 肉酱乌冬面

I recalled my first likeable and impressionable encounter with udon noodles in a Chinese restaurant. You have heard me right - a Chinese eatery, not Japanese. That Stir-Fry Udon Noodles in Black Pepper Sauce was absolutely delicious.

This is not Stir-Fry Udon Noodles in Black Pepper Sauce. However, that taste of chewy al-dente udon noodles in a savory meat sauce was equally satisfying.

Stir-Fry Udon in Meat-Sauce 肉酱乌冬面
In a wide-area pan or wok, aromatize 3-4 thin slices ginger, 1/4 onion thinly sliced , white portions of 2 green onions. After about 5 minutes, add in thinly 1/2 carrot thinly sliced, 1tsp thinly sliced garlic and continue to saute for about 5 minutes. Add in mushrooms and 1/4lb ground meat (chicken and pork used here). While in the heated pan, break up the lump of meat into smaller pieces. Once the meat is lightly browned, add splash of cooking wine to de-glaze the pan. Add 2tsp soy sauce, 1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce, pinch of brown sugar, ground black and white pepper and 1 cup water and allow the meat to simmer at low heat in the sauce

After about 10 minutes, add in cooked udon, corn, peas; gently and thoroughly mix the udon with the meat and veggie then allow it to simmer at low-medium heat for another approximately 8 minutes, till sauce is slightly reduced.

Garnish and freshen up with remaining thinly sliced green onions.

So delicious!

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